Saturday, December 12, 2009

Pictures Of Throat Infections What Do I Have On My Throat If It's Not Strep Throat?

What do I have on my throat if it's not strep throat? - pictures of throat infections

My job is in a shop in an airport, so that they are in contact with many people. Since about May, when I started, I had a sore throat, twice (by the rapid test confirmed in both cases). It took 10 days of antibiotics and those who left.

I (sore throat Herpangina in most children once) - for which he is not drugs, viruses, and because they could do nothing but give me a mouthwash lidocaine. ...

It is a rather vague idea. The mouth is a very difficult place to shoot. Throughout the muscles of the neck, where it appears in red in the picture, it is actually white spots that look like elongated almost choke extra long. This set of muscles on both sides of the neck. I made a quick test today - negative. These are exactly the same wounds long white were the two previous occasions when he tested positive for STREP. A throat culture was sent to the laboratory today.

If STREP ... What is it? They have noCough or cold, but it was a bit drained of energy. They wanted to test for mono ... I do not know, and kissing people I have anything directly to my face.


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